20 Years of Freedom
All films that have dialogue in a language other than English, are subtitled in English.
Kaikki elokuvat, joissa puhutaan muuta kuin englantia, on tekstitetty englanniksi.
Saturday 24.08.2024
8€ Buy tickets
Since 2004 Animaatiokopla has been doing animation with a big heart!
Films in this screening:
Maria Björklund:
Summer in Helsinki
(Helsingin kesä)
Finland, 2011. 9 minutes.
Summer in Helsinki is an experimental portrait of a city during summertime – it’s people, animals, happenings, weather and moods. The director has documented life in Helsinki by animating out in the parks, on the squares and at the beach every day during a whole summer, thus producing the raw material for this film.
Leena Jääskeläinen:
Finland, 2017. 2 minutes.
An experimental short film about movement and meeting. Contact! explores differences and similarities between dancing and martial arts aikido and judo. Technique is hand painted digital animation. Contact! was originally a projected animation installation without any sound. Both the director and musical composer of the film version of Contact! hold a black belt in aikido.
Erika Weiste, Reetta Neittaanmäki:
Finland, 2017. 12 minutes.
The experimental animation documentary examines memory processes via the recollections of four elderly interviewees. What are the memories that linger, and what kinds of memories are recollected, when a person is requested to tell their life story freely, without being directed towards any subjects or themes?
Juho Luukkainen:
Baby with a Playlist
Finland, 2019. 10 minutes.
Young fathers tell how they try to achieve contact with their unborn child. As it is impossible to have any visual connection, the only thing left is everything audible. Since talking to the belly feels quite awkward, playing carefully selected music might feel a bit less awkward. Carefully curated playlist is the best way to tell something about yourself as a father, and also as a human being.
Leena Jääskeläinen, Kaisa Penttilä:
Råt Boris quits drinking
(Råtta Booris lopettaa juomisen)
Finland, 2015. 4 minutes.
Boris. A Rat with issues. He decides to mend his ways which soon attracts the attention of the police. Anneli the Baltic Herring, Boris ́s best friend is deeply embarrassed. Boris is soon to learn the lesson of his life.
All films that have dialogue in a language other than English, are subtitled in English.
Kaikki elokuvat, joissa puhutaan muuta kuin englantia, on tekstitetty englanniksi.
Saturday 24.08.2024
8€ Buy tickets