Mysterious Visions
International Competition 4
All films that have dialogue in a language other than English, are subtitled in English.
Content warning: The screening includes nudity and sexual content.
Kaikki elokuvat, joissa puhutaan muuta kuin englantia, on tekstitetty englanniksi.
Sisältövaroitus: Näytös sisältää alastomuutta ja seksuaalista sisältöä.
Event Timeslots:
Manilla theatre,
Thursday 22.08.2024
8€ Buy tickets
Manilla theatre,
Saturday 24.08.2024
8€ Buy tickets
Films in this screening:
Alexandra Ramires, Laura Gonçalves:
France, 2024. 11 minutes.
With the sea and the urban Algarve as a background, we follow a complete cycle of the life of a special shellfish called PERCEBES, goose barnacle. From their formation, to the dish, in this journey, we cross different contexts that allow us to better understand this region and those who live there.
Florence Miailhe:
Papillon (Butterfly)
France, 2024. 15 minutes.
In the sea, a man swims. As he does, memories come to the surface. From his early childhood to his life as a man, all his memories are linked to water. Some are happy, some glorious, some traumatic. This story will be that of his last swim. It will take us from the source to the river – from the waters of childhood pools to those of swimming pools – from a North African country to the shores of the Mediterranean – from Olympic stadiums to water retention basins – from concentration camp to the dream beaches of Reunion.
Wander to Wonder
Belgium, 2023. 14 minutes.
Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton are three miniature, human actors who perform in an eighties kids TV series called “Wander to Wonder”. After the creator of the series has died, they are left alone in the studio. With their slowly decaying costumes and growing hunger, they continue to make increasingly strange episodes for their fans.
International Competition 4
All films that have dialogue in a language other than English, are subtitled in English.
Content warning: The screening includes nudity and sexual content.
Kaikki elokuvat, joissa puhutaan muuta kuin englantia, on tekstitetty englanniksi.
Sisältövaroitus: Näytös sisältää alastomuutta ja seksuaalista sisältöä.
Event Timeslots:
Manilla theatre,
Thursday 22.08.2024
8€ Buy tickets
Manilla theatre,
Saturday 24.08.2024
8€ Buy tickets