Twisted Impact
International Competition 1
All films that have dialogue in a language other than English, are subtitled in English.
Content warning: The screening includes horror elements.
Kaikki elokuvat, joissa puhutaan muuta kuin englantia, on tekstitetty englanniksi.
Sisältövaroitus: Näytös sisältää kauhuelementtejä.
Films in this screening:
Catherine Buffat, Jean-Luc Greco:
A Very Twisted Tale
(Un conte très tordu)
France, 2024. 14 minutes.
Every evening, Brindone, a teenager, goes to bed before the end of the TV programs. Every evening, instead of going to bed discreetly, his big brother Musclor turns on the light in their shared bedroom to annoy him. Every evening the same routine. Brindone can’t take it anymore.
Shuxin Yan WANG:
Macro Micro
Hong Kong, 2024. 1 minutes.
Macro Micro is a short film that explores the micro and macro aspects of Hong Kong city. The film brings to light the melody of the surroundings that we often overlook. It invites us to re-examine the environment we live in and enjoy the sound and visuals of the city.
Mansi Maheshwari:
United Kingdom, 2024. 9 minutes.
Bobby loves her mum. She trusts her. Their relationship is UNBREAKABLE. Or so she thinks. When she is surprised by a last minute trip to the hospital, an innocent check-up soon turns into a twisted lie. As she tries to escape this deranged nightmare, she realises that there is only one person to blame for all this … mum.
Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki:
Poland, 2023. 26 minutes.
It grows slowly as an icicle, but one day it drops and crashes. Anka loves cats. And Jesus. In a winter silence the lagoon freezes and the unspoken resurfaces like crack on ice. Mosaic portrait of a small fisherman’s village where human to human, human to animal, animal to animal interdepend on a delicate balance of warm tender care and cold emotional cruelty. An eerie story of loneliness and community narrated with magical realism.
International Competition 1
All films that have dialogue in a language other than English, are subtitled in English.
Content warning: The screening includes horror elements.
Kaikki elokuvat, joissa puhutaan muuta kuin englantia, on tekstitetty englanniksi.
Sisältövaroitus: Näytös sisältää kauhuelementtejä.