One week left to apply for Portaali-screening!
Are you still hesitant if you can host a Portaali-screening? Did you have questions while filling out the application? Here we try to answer some questions that have come up:
Q: How long does the screening last?
A: The screening lasts 70 min and is shown late at night after sunset. This means that at earliest, the show would start between ten and eleven and end around midnight.
Q: My friends and I haven’t been to art events before and don’t understand anything about video art or animation, can I still apply to host a screening?
A: Of course! With Portaali-screenings, you can have a cultural experience with the people you enjoy in a familiar environment so it’s perfect for first-timers. The films can be enjoyed (or hated!) without prior knowledge of video art or animation, but we will also be happy to tell you more about them. You can read more about our selected films this week from VAFT and TAFF’s instagram.
Q: How many people might come to my backyard if I host a Portaali-screening?
A: The screenings are private, so you can decide how many people and who you want to invite to the event. Only the current restrictions and the size of the screening space should be taken into account in the number of guests.
Q: How much information do I need to tell about the screening area? Can the venue be changed later if we find a more fun environment?
A: We need information about the screening environment in the application so we can evaluate how to set up the projection equipment there. This also means that the venue cannot be changed later.
Q: Are there any restrictions for the screening venues?
A: The venues should be large enough to accommodate projection equipment and the audience. This area can be around the size of a large garage or more. The venue needs to have an electrical outlet (we will bring extension cords if necessary).
As the screenings are held late in the evening, the screenings must be approved by the housing association if necessary.
If you have not yet found the answer to your question, send an e-mail to annu@taff.fi.