Yet another year of most thrilling animation!
Turku Animated Film Festival, known among friends as TAFF, is embarking on its eighth edition from August 23rd to 27th, 2023! Once again, we have over 20 diverse program sections and nearly 200 films lined up, offering unforgettable moments in the realm of animation. In addition to film screenings, we are preparing a professional program, workshops, and other delightful side events. This year animation will meet video games!
At the festival, you will have the opportunity to enjoy carefully selected and captivating animated films from around the world. We offer intriguing stories, fresh perspectives, and delightful visual experiences.
As an appetizer we are presenting a selection of animation gems from the past few years at Ilmiö Festival at the end of July. There will also be a special screening for children. For those who are already hungry for captivating animated stories, we are offering a possibility to indulge in the art of animation on June 15th at Bar Ö, as we present a curated showcase of recent animated works in a relaxed and cozy atmosphere starting at 7 PM.
Leading the 2023 festival is producer Annika Dahlsten, alongside artistic director Joni Männistö. Working by their side are co-producer Anton Perttu and publicist Marja Ahtola. The visual look of the festival is by Antti Laakso whose video game Dreams in the Witch House was released earlier this year.
Annika Dahlsten has graduated from the Turku Academy of Arts as both an animation artist and a visual artist. Her works have been presented both in Finland and abroad, at exhibitions and festivals. Dahlsten starts this year in TAFF’s production, but she has experience in animation projects, e.g. piloting the animation and media art Echo project of the Arts Promotion Center Finland and Central Library Oodi 2018-2023. Dahlsten is the chairman of Turku Anikistit ry.
Joni Männistö is an animation artist who graduated from the Turku Arts Academy. His short animations have been screened at numerous festivals around the world. Since its inception in 2016, Männistö has served as the artistic director of TAFF. Additionally, he is part of the animation programming team for the PÖFF Shorts festival in Tallinn. Over the years, Männistö has been invited as a guest and jury member at various international film festivals. Currently, he resides and works in Tallinn.
Final details of the program are currently being fine-tuned. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates on the festival.